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How to install games 1 & apps from APK, APKs, XAPK & OBB files


How to install games, 1 & apps, from ,APK, APKs, XAPK ,&, OBB files,

1. About APK

What is an APK?

APK is an acronym for “Android application package”, which is an application installer used on the Android operating system. APK is a ZIP-based archive, based on the JAR format and has a .apk extension.

Why need APK?

  • From time to time, you want to experience new games and apps that are not yet available on Google Play.
  • Install apps that are blocked or restricted in certain countries on Google Play.
  • No Play Store app on your phone / Can’t open Play Store app
  • Installing apps through APK also allows you to install paid apps, which infringe copyright.

What is OBB?

Obb is an additional data file for the app. Some need them to work, while some don’t. If you see the Obb download link in posts on APKMody, then you need to download them.

What is APKs?

With the release of Android App Bundles, this new format of Google Play will make it impossible for us to share APK anymore. Replace it with APKs.

Essentially, APKs are collections of multiple APK files within that file.

APKs cannot be installed in the normal way. To install APKs, you need to use XAPKS Installer.

What is XAPK?

XAPK is an APK and OBB container format.

2. Guides

Install an APK

Installing APK on Android is very simple, follow the steps below:

How to install games, & apps, from ,APK, APKs, XAPK ,&, OBB files,

Note: Please make sure you have disabled Play Protect to avoid being blocked by Google Play when installing.

Step 1: Download the .apk  file from APKMODY.
Step 2. On your Android device, open the downloaded .apk file.
Step 3. Select Install.

Install an APKs / XAPK / OBB

Now, installing APKs, XAPK or OBB files is no longer a big deal. For a successful installation, perform the following steps:

How to install games, & apps, from ,APK, APKs, XAPK ,&, OBB files,

Note: To install an APKs file, you must first have XAPKS Installer installed on your device. XAPKS Installer is available on Google Play or you can download APK file here.

Step 1: Open XAPKS Installer -> select Install

Step 2: Navigate to the location of the downloaded APKs / XAPK / OBB file -> Select file -> Select Select

Step 3: Installation window appears, select Install.


Above are instructions to download and install APKs, APKs, XAPK & OBB at APKMODY. If you think this article useful, don’t forget to like and share.
